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Dressler Wins Baker/Cundiff Honors

The Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) presented the 2023 Baker/Cundiff Award to Elizabeth Dressler, Berryton, Kansas, July 3 during the group’s annual symposium in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The annual Frank Baker/Larry Cundiff Beef Improvement Essay Contest for graduate students provides an opportunity to recognize outstanding student research and competitive writing in…

Visionary Leader

For a decade Joe Epperly has served BIF with a hands-on work ethic and a can-do attitude. Growing up in Virginia, Joe Epperly was involved in agriculture and specifically the livestock industry since he could walk. His passion for the industry, unmatched work ethic and ability to listen and lead…

BIF Announces Seedstock, Commercial Producer Award Finalists

MANHATTAN, Kan. – The Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) has announced finalists for its Seedstock and Commercial Producer awards. Both developed in 1972, the Seedstock Producer Award recognizes outstanding seedstock producers across the continent while the Commercial Producer Award recognizes commercial producers for their dedication to improving the beef industry at…

2023 Seedstock Producer of Year Finalists Announced

Benchmark Angus Ranch, Cudlobe Farms, 44 Farms named 2023 Seedstock Producer of Year Finalists The Beef Improvement Federation has announced the 2023 Seedstock Producer of the Year Finalists. BIF members nominated six ranches for this year’s competition. Selected as finalists are Benchmark Angus Ranch, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada; Cudlobe Farms, Stavely,…

Strategies for Sustainability at the Ranch

Panelists discuss their approach to the industry’s hottest buzzword: sustainability. Implementing a sustainable beef production system isn’t as straightforward as following a one-size-fits-all playbook. Dr. Clay Mathis, director of the King Ranch Institute for Ranch Management at Texas A&M University-Kingsville, led a panel of thought leaders as they discussed what…

Beef Improvement Federation Releases Decision Support Tool for Beef Cattle Selection

iGENDEC offered to support customized selection indexes for seedstock and commercial beef producers.   MANHATTAN, KAN. -The Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) is pleased to announce the release of iGENDEC for constructing custom selection indexes, an industry first. While generalized selection indexes have been broadly available to commercial and seedstock producers…

Sustainable Beef Systems Can Achieve Climate Neutrality

Sawyer explains the current climate of the beef industry and where it’s going. “We can demonstrate climate neutrality through mitigation of methane warming equivalent emissions, and this can be achieved more easily with a combination of emissions mitigation and land-based carbon assimilation” said Dr. Jason Sawyer, King Ranch Institute for…

U.S. Beef Industry Reduces Carbon Emissions through Improved Genetic Selection

Crowley gives positive outlook on carbon emissions reduction in the U.S. beef industry. “General genetic improvement in the North American beef herd is doing a good job of improving emissions intensity. Improving profitability and production efficiency through genetic selection is doing a good job for the carbon footprint of beef,”…

Transparency Drives Consumer Support of the Beef Industry

Petre explains the importance of data transparency to meet consumer demands. “A significant portion of the public has been convinced that ruminants are a major cause of climate change. This message has become ubiquitous; many believe in it, and we need to be able to present data that shows ruminant…

Vertically Integrated Beef Production Drives Genetic Progress

George explains opportunities for genetic progress in vertically integrated beef production systems.   “We feed people is the company motto. It has a much deeper meaning in Russia because there have been some very hard times without food,” explained Dr. Phil George, Miratorg Agribusiness Holding beef & lamb operations production…

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