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Thrift Presented Continuing Service Award

The Beef Improvement Federation (BIF) presented Todd Thrift, Gainesville, Florida, a BIF Continuing Service Award June 11 during the group’s annual research symposium in Knoxville, Tennessee.

Continuing Service Award winners have made major contributions to the BIF organization. This includes serving on the board of directors, speaking at BIF conventions, working on BIF guidelines and other behind-the-scenes activities. As BIF is a volunteer organization, it is this contribution of time and passion for the beef cattle industry that moves BIF forward.

Thrift has been a frequent attendee and speaker at numerous BIF symposiums. He also was heavily involved in the planning of the 2020 BIF Symposium that was going to be hosted by the University of Florida.

Thrift began his formal education at the University of Kentucky where he obtained a degree in animal science. He earned his master’s in ruminant nutrition from Oklahoma State University and his doctorate in reproductive physiology from Texas A&M University. He now serves as an associate professor at the University of Florida, focusing on cow-calf management, beef cattle nutrition and stocker feedlot management.

Thrift is known for his ability to relate to beef producers of all types and has an exceptional talent for communicating with student and consumers. As a professor, he teaches classes on beef management practices, seedstock management and marketing, beef stocker and feedlot, and beef cow-calf management. He also is a regular speaker at conventions, symposiums and events on a variety of topics within the beef industry. His extension appointment has given him the opportunity to work with the national animal identification system and be a beef quality assurance coordinator. Thrift has dedicated his career to sharing his knowledge of beef cattle management, whether in the classroom or at a speaking event.

Approximately 500 beef producers, academia and industry representatives attended the organization’s 56th Annual Research Symposium and Convention in Knoxville. BIF’s mission is to help improve the industry by promoting greater acceptance of beef cattle performance evaluation.

For more information about this year’s symposium, including additional award winners and coverage of meeting and tours, visit

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